May 15, 2011


another injury
another story to seek
another history been made
bunch of friends act like faggot
but still smile with pride
east side
west side
i go seek something that cant be seen
I win someday

"the Killing Loneliness that turns my heart into a tomb"
ville valo


simontel said...

the winnig day are come hahaha LOSER......

NazmiHsu said...

ish kamu nie x bermotivasi lansung

simontel said...

saya ni dah terlebih motivasi baaaa

rndui sama budak nakal ni

NazmiHsu said...

sp budak nakal 2?

simontel said...

tah laaaa cari la sndiri budak tu
bdak yg x penah puas aty.. :P

NazmiHsu said...

eka ehh

simontel said...

sapa eka tu saya knl ke?