Jul 27, 2011

cerita nasi itik

tenang hidup bila satu jalinan kiri dan kanan tidak bertembung.
tapi bila ada yg meyambung , jiwa mula nk hura hara.
yg pasti ,prinsip tetap prinsip
yg di hina, jgn menagis bila ternaya
skrg boleh main dgn dunia
tapi bila smpai waktu dunia main dgn lu
baru tau nk cari si pengemis yg lu angap buta

gua boleh cakap lu tggu masa makan lu balik
time tu menyalak mcm mana pon 
gua pandang kesian je 
kesian kat lu 
kesian kat waris

Jul 24, 2011

suara yg menikam

i salute u mitch

Jul 19, 2011



The Perfect Night
The Perfect Vacation 
The Perfect Family 
The Perfect Body 
The Perfect Life

Reality Is
It Just The Perfect Lie

gua dah penat

Jul 18, 2011


Hanysah Rahman
Selamat hari lahir ke 20
moga panjang umur dan di murahkan rezeki. 

Jul 9, 2011

Jangan Bimbang Penakut

Never shamed but never free.

A laugh that healed the broken heart with all that it could.
I tried to heal your broken heart with all that I could.
Will you stay away forever?
It seems we're so invincible, 
the truth is so cold.

A final song, a last request
A perfect chapter laid to rest
Now and then I try to find a place in my mind.

Where you can say, 
You can stay awake forever.

How do I live without the ones I love?
Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned.
Place and time always on my mind.
I have so much to 
say but you're so far away.

Sleep tight, I'm not afraid.
The ones that we love are here with me.
Lay away a place for me

'Cause as soon as I'm done, 
I'll be on my way
To live eternally.
I love you
You were ready
The pain is strong enough to despise
But I'll see you
When He lets me
Your pain is gone, your hands are tied.
So far away.
And I need you to know
So far away
And I need you to know, 
Need you to know...

Jul 6, 2011


kalo dlu nama
skrg kata ganti nama
dah ckp dah
manusia berubah bila jumpa monsun 
biasa la
teruja bak anak muda yg kepanasan jiwa
hai kawan 
hai manusia
boleh nampak la kalo berubah langkah
tersadung lagi la malu
sekrang boleh gelak
hebat gamba baik x payah
hebat solat gua respek

Jul 2, 2011


Mr July
please be good to me

i swear i be a good father
and to my child

be a good kid 