Nov 30, 2011

mimpi 2.0

indah,ckp indah. walaupun sebabak tapi itu yg bernilai. si kecil datang tanpa bersuara. peluk, cium pipi, senyum lalu pergi. tergamam bila mata terjaga. senyum tanda gembira. mmg mimpi itu mainan syaitan tapi kalau mainan itu memberi kegembiraan, cukup untuk gua walopun sebabak. itu tanda ada pertalian yg xkan terputus. itulah harta gua yg ada. harta darah.

Nov 28, 2011

dd : bukan lagu rindu tapi madah terpendam

ternyata kau lebih suci dari apa yg aku bayngkan

Nov 24, 2011

gua benci ini peristiwa

Happy Anniversary for been a solo guy.
its suck actually.
totally fucked up

Nov 22, 2011

itu sana itu sini

Aku mendengar si kucing berbisik kepada sang tikus. 
"Assalamualaikum. Jom siap pi msjid. Nk mgrib ni"
"Miaw!", jawab si tikus. 

Maka mereka pun bersama2 mnuju ke msjid smbil brpegangan tangan.

owh gua mmg perlukan tempat yg tenang dan sunyi sekrang

Nov 20, 2011


"ketahuilah sesungguhnya kepunyaan Allahlah apa yg ada di langit dan di bumi. Sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui keadaan yg kamu berada di dalamnya (sekarang). Dan (mengetahui pula) hari (manusia) dikembalikan kepada-Nya, lalu diterangkan-Nya kepada mereka apa yg telah mereka kerjakan. Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu - an-Nuur 24:64"

Nov 19, 2011


hujung jari saling bersentuhan. itu yg aku nmpak. x kenal tapi tahu. seblah sana terbongkok2. hari nie munkin hari terakhir tapi rupanya masih ada peluang mata bertentang mata. nasihat mcm biasa, belajar elok2 smbil ditemani dgn urutan tgn kanan ke rambut di sisih rapi. hati menjerit tapi mulut diam diam mcm xda bencana. tapi yg pasti pertemuan xkan berakhir sbb darah yg mengalir itu pasti tertanya. munkin lagenda lama akan di bukak kembali

harap itu yg last
segamam minda sebenar

Nov 18, 2011

tomorrow comes today

money cant buy

Nov 17, 2011

oh shit i miss

The stars lean down to kiss you and I lie awake and miss you. Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere cause I'll doze off safe and soundly but I'll miss your arms around me. I'd send a postcard to you, dear cause I wish you were here.

I'll watch the night turn light-blue but it's not the same without you. because it takes two to whisper quietly. The silence isn't so bad until I look at my hands and feel sad because the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways though I haven't slept in two days
because cold nostalgia chills me to the bone

Nov 14, 2011

nov suck

itu yg terakhir rasanya. lepas nie kunci hati diam2. kasi tgk kejam ke x kejam. kunci buang jauh2. okay okay ckp. lepas nie tggu smpai tarikh nk kene maki plak. yeah dah x lama. tggu kau bulan. tggu gua ckp

Nov 11, 2011

awal akhir

kau penah menjajah, kau penah menawan. yg sakit skrg aku. yg xtertanggung aku

kenapa setiap bulan nk kena jumpa benda yg sama?

Nov 9, 2011


: Be a good person, patience and generous, happy & always accept thing rationally
: We want you to grow up remembering that event "papa" is not around but his love, our love will always remain until u grow old, aged,with grandchildren of ur own , and no teeth :)

Nov 8, 2011

happy 19 birthday

God gave a gift to the world when you were born. A person who loves, who cares, who sees a person’s need and fills it, who encourages and lifts people up, who spends energy on others rather than herself, someone who touches each life she enters, and makes a difference in the world, because ripples of kindness flow outward as each person you have touched, touches others.

Your birthday
 deserves to be a national holiday, because you are a special treasure for all that you've done.
        May the love you have shown to others return to you, multiplied. 
I wish you the happiest of birthdays, and many, many more,so that others have time to appreciate you as much as I do.

Nov 6, 2011


Chapter one contains the first moment i saw your shaded being against the light.
There isn't a flaw
Chapter two and chapter three was when my heart cried and i believe in my madness
that you must ...........

Nov 2, 2011

realiti mengigit

sukma venusku senyumlah. mengapa sekejap engkau menjelma? pejamkan mata pekakkan telinga. kaki ikut beat bass yg berbunyi. woah itu indah indah

Nov 1, 2011

november memanggil

tolong jangan sunyi lagi bulan?
tolong cakap. tak pon lepak lepak smbil tiup kabar gembira
kalo boleh nk peluk cium kabar itu

cuma kali nie harap realiti x telan diri gua hidup-hidup